[JAVA]Speed up Search with parallelStream

Sue Chi
Sep 11, 2020


It can be miracles when you … have a DEMAND!

from https://reurl.cc/m93bEj

Today’s request is about performance issues, so I need to SPEED UP my search.

The below code snippet is what you saw all the time around your daily coding life.

But when it comes to the matter of PERFORMANCE, the usual search just can not meet the requirements.

Luckily, we have JAVA 8 now!!! So we can achieve parallel search with ease.

And wala~it works just like a charm!

Android API requirement:minSdkVersion 26



Sue Chi

I think; therefore I am. Cogito, ergo sum. No basic, no magic. When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.